Sunday 6 March 2011

March 2011 Sharing Time

Week One and Week Two
Prophets speak for Heavenly Father
 "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, ....whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." [Doc. & Cov. 1:38]

Apologies for the lengthy delay, things regarding my health have gone slower then I would have liked or even expected. But as week one and two of March are the same topic, maybe you can adapt this for your second week. Hope it helps.

Needs and Preparation: Costumes of the four selected prophets for a child to wear, the label and tin can phone [made with enough string length that the second participant can be out of the room], preferably a priesthood holder to 'man' the other end of the phone, four prophet images/graphics hidden prior to class, an image of Thomas S. Monson and Jesus Christ.

Lesson: I'll introduce this lesson by using the following idea...I'll “let my mobile phone ring. I'll answer it, saying to the children that I'm expecting a really important message. Then be really disappointed because it will be from my husband instead. After the call I'll explain, I'm disappointed because it wasn't a message from Heavenly Father. Then I'll check my email, but no new messages. Someone will rush in with a note for me, but it will be from my visiting teachers.” [Thank you to Karissa from this comments forum. My brain is at times like a thick fog as I'm still coming off meds and this was the kick start I needed.] I'll sigh and ask: “Do you know where I can look for direct messages from Heavenly Father?
I'll listen as the children come forward with ideas and guide the discussion, when the 'prophet' is suggested I'll dig a little deeper, just to see what their knowledge base is and  then enthusiastically draw their attention to the tin can phone.

This prop will be set up and labelled “For use by the prophet.” I'll then get really excited and ask the class if there is a prophet here today? I'll have them look around until they find the first graphic, [an image of the prophet with their name]. Whoever found this prophet graphic will then get a chance to dress as this prophet and try out the tin can phone.

I'll have the child representing the prophet speak into the phone saying something like “Hello, this is Noah here, what would you like me to say?” Then have them listen carefully so they can relay Heavenly Fathers message. I'll have my husband on the other end, and out in another room, feeding messages through based on Genesis 6:13-14, Genesis 7:5, 7-10. And at this point I am just going to say how he is always so awesome! He accepts any crazy assignment I ask of him, and then brings the WOW factor with him - THANK YOU! I love you Mwah!  When 'Noah' has finished relaying the message, we'll discuss how his message was received by the people who heard it originally, and what happened as a result.

Then we will start again, looking for our next prophet. I will lead the group through the above process so that we cover Moses (Exodus 14:8-9, 13-14, 21-22), Samuel the Laminite (Helaman 14:1-8, 16:1-3), and Joseph Smith (Doc. & Cov. 89).

At the conclusion of this activity I'll ask the children: If we cannot see Heavenly Father to talk to him, how do we know what Heavenly Father wants us to do?
I'll go on to explain that one of the ways Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ send messages to people on earth is by speaking to Their servants and then commanding those servants to speak to the people.

Today, when we hear this man, [show an image of Thomas S. Monson]
Ask: “Does anyone know who this is?”
Then I'll say, we must understand that his words are given to him by our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, [show a second image of Jesus Christ]. President Monson speaks the words God wants us to hear. 
At this point I'll lead and guide a short discussion by asking: "What happened to people who chose not to listen to the prophets words, or do what they asked?" And, "What happened to those people that did follow the prophet?"

I'll conclude this discussion with my testimony that President Monson does tell us the things God wants us to know and do, and that like the people from the scriptures, we can choose to follow or not. But I know that when we follow the prophets words we are doing what our Heavenly Father has asked us to do.

Resources: The instructions for the tin can phone are below, while the four prophet graphics are here, if you need a tin can label mine is here too. And I have found these links to images of Thomas S. Monson and Jesus Christ

To make a tin can phone you will need:
Two metal cans, clean and dry, [be sure that there are no sharp edges].
Ten to Twelve feet of a piece of small diameter string such as kite string or nylon string.

What you do:
1.Make a 'Tin Can Telephone' by punching a small hole in the bottom of each can. Each hole should be just large enough so that the string will go through.
2.From the outside, insert one end of the string into the hole in one can. Tie a couple of knots in the end of the string so that it will not slip back through when pulled tight. Do the same with the other end of the string using the other can.
3.With one person holding each can, stretch the string so that it is tight, [please remember this and factor it into your classroom set up]. And as you probably know, or remember, one person talking into one can sends vibrations through the tightened string to the other can. The person with their ear to the other can will be able to hear what was said. Have fun. 

Week Three
We are led by a living prophet.

Needs and Preparation: Two puppets to represent time era's from scripture, poster outline and multiples of specific crayons for colouring outline in, assignments made to teachers or those asked to present, a bean bag, and a second bag containing clues to each of the stories being presented a Friend magazine for each of the children.

Lesson: I'll introduce my scripture children, by name, one by one. Then have a small discussion with each paper puppet explaining the time that they lived, where they lived, and who the prophet was that they followed.
At the end of this discussion, one of the puppets will get my attention and whisper in my ear. I'll then let the following play out;
"Abish would like to know your names too." I'll encourage the children to introduce themselves, [and possibly even have our little shy puppet tell me things she likes about each, like she likes your shoes, or the colour of your hair etc..] She will then ask where the children live, and finally, who the prophet is that lives today?

I will conclude the children's discussion by explaining that just as these children were led by prophets in their life time. That today we are led by a living prophet, his name is President Thomas S. Monson.

Today we are going learn some of his teachings, and the things he has asked us to do by colouring a picture of President Monson. I will then present each child with an A4 outline poster of the prophet. Explaining that they are to listen carefully and see if they can match the labels on the prophets picture with the correct story. 

But before we start let us first select a clue. I am going to have a bag of clues, an object to represent each story. I will have a child pull one from the depths of the bag and we'll all have a look at it, and have a little talk about what it is, and what it could mean.

Between each presentation, I'll link it back to the selected object. Before then having another pulled from the bag.

As the story presentations are made [in whichever form those presenting choose], we will match it to the labelled area on the prophets picture and colour it in. The story presentations will be shared between myself and the other teachers that attend our sharing time. The teaching stories and matching area to colour, I have chosen to use, are as follows:

Hair: We'll carry you - Story clue: Large stone.
White shirt: A lesson in reverence - Story clue: Tissues.
Red tie: A prophets pledge - Story clue: Picture of a wagon.
Left side of suit jacket: A gift for Billy - Story clue: White envelop with pretend $4.75 inside.
Right side of suit jacket: Give thanks for everything - Story clue: An eye patch.
These are articles from the Friend written by our prophet. They will be told in our own words and as some contain examples of how other children are applying the principle taught [at the bottom of the article], I will fit them into the discussions with the children while they are busy colouring in their pictures, simply to help stimulate ideas for application.

At the close of these presentations, and in an effort to help get all the wriggles out, we'll play a few rounds of bean bag toss.
I'll ask the children to stand in a circle and name the person they will toss the bean bag too, then toss it to that child. The child who receives the bean bag then has to complete the statement “I will follow the living prophet by....” before then selecting the next person to toss the bean bag to. I'll try hand give them plenty of time so that they can think of and listen to as many ideas as possible.

I will then conclude the time with my testimony and with a challenge for them to pick one thing the prophet has asked us to do, and practise following that teaching throughout the coming week. I will also give each child a Friend magazine, showing them where to find the prophets message and encourage them to read and follow what he says.

Resources: The paper puppets, a scripture girl and a scripture boy and the President Monson colouring page with labels. An image of the prophets story bags I will do is coming as I just thought of them today, 17/03.

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